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Site contents © 2000-2013 by EFi. |
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Dec 2013: Seasons Greetings |
12-20-2013: "Blue Bloods - Crime Scene New York" kommt 2014 zu Pro7Maxx |
Bloods» wandert zu ProSiebenMaxx ... und wird dort
künftig im Zusammenspiel mit «The
Americans» ausgestrahlt.
Nach dem Aus bei Kabel eins nimmt sich ProSieben Maxx der Serie an und startet die Ausstrahlung mit der 17. Folge der ersten Staffel, die dann auch als deutsche Free-TV-Premiere zu sehen sein wird. Gezeigt wird «Blue Bloods» ab dem 5. Februar 2014 mittwochs gegen 22:10 Uhr beim kleinen Bruder von ProSieben. Eigentlich sind Zuschauer von ProSieben Maxx auf diesem Sendeplatz Serien im Originalton gewohnt, «Blue Bloods» aber wird - ebenso wie die zuvor ab 20:15 Uhr laufende neue Produktion «The Americans» - in synchronisierter Fassung ausgestrahlt. Source: Quotenmeter.de
12-17-2013: Mail von Kabel1 über die Absetzung von "Blue Bloods - Crime Scene New York" |
Auszug aus einer
Antwort-Mail der Kabel 1 Zuschauerredaktion:
[...] "Blue Bloods" wurde eingestellt, weitere Ausstrahlungen von "Southland" sind aktuell leider nicht geplant. Diese Änderungen waren nötig, um auf die Nachfrage unserer Zuschauer zu reagieren. Die Fortsetzung von "Blue Bloods" wurde leider nur sehr schlecht vom Großteil der kabel eins Zuseher angenommen. Trotz neuem Sendeplatz, umfangreicher Bewerbung in Programmtrailern, auf unserer Online-Seite und den Social Media-Kanälen blieben die Zuschauer aus. Wir mussten mit einer Programmoptimierung reagieren und die Ausstrahlung von "Blue Bloods" einstellen. Wir bitten um Verständnis. Es ist sehr bedauerlich, dass "Blue Bloods" kaum Zuspruch bei den Zuschauern hatte, auch wir waren von der Serie überzeugt, dachten, dass sie gut zu unserem Programmangebot passen würde. Dem Gros der Zuschauer hat die Serie aber nicht gefallen. Ihre Kritik an der Einstellung reichen wir natürlich entsprechend weiter, wir hoffen, es ist möglich, die Serie bei unserer Sendergruppe zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt fortzuführen. [...] |
12-10-2013: Update on "The Pornographer's Daughter" |
Liberty Bradford Mitchell
is working with Michael T. Weiss who is now the director for her show
"THE PORNOGRAPHER'S DAUGHTER". It will be opening in San Francisco on
January 17th and running through
February 16th at Z Below located at 470 Florida Street.
![]() Some may remember Michael from his successful television series THE PRETENDER which also featured my good pal Jon Gries... Others will best remember him as Reese Witherspoon's step daddy in the fabulous movie FREEWAY... He was married to the super talented Aamanda Plummer in the film. She should have been nominated for an Oscar for her short but very memorable performance... All of the actors along with the film should have received Oscar nods... Of course the film was written and directed by the brilliant Matthew Bright. Source: Ginger
Coyote @ Punk
Liberty Bradford Mitchell tells the story of growing up on the fringes of an X-rated world in the World Premiere of "The Pornographer's Daughter". Joining her on stage will be San Francisco rock band The Fluffers. The play is produced by San Francisco-based producer and designer Jeff Rowlings, and directed by Michael T. Weiss, with musical direction by Kevin Harding. It will run from Jan 17 - Feb 16, 2014. Previews will be on Jan 17, 8:00pm; Jan 18, 8:00pm + 10:30pm; Jan 19, 5:00pm. Opening / Press night is on Wed, Jan 22. Tickets (Not advised for persons under the age of 18) are already on sale @ OvationTix or through phone 866.811.4111 Tickets are $32 (general admission). Performance location: Z Below, 470 Florida Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 Press release with downloadable photos of Liberty Bradford Mitchell and "The Fluffers" (Kevin Harding, Kevin Swartz, and Matt Eiseman). Text of this press release from Carla Befera & Co. Public Relations Corrected Show Times: Thursdays: 8:00pm Fridays and Saturdays: 8:00pm + 10:30pm Sundays: 5:00pm No shows on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. |
12-7-2013: Kabel1 hat "Blue Bloods - Crime Scene New York" schon wieder abgesetzt! |
Kabel 1 hat die Serie "Blue
Bloods -
Crime Scene New York" nach Ausstrahlung der 16. Episode der
1. Staffel
am 29. Nov. 2013 schon wieder eingestellt, und wieder ohne
Vorankündigung und wieder ohne Meldung auf der Webseite!
Heisst also, das Staffelfinale mit den beiden letzten Episoden 21/I
«Das Blut meiner Eltern» (Cellar Boy) und 22/I
«Die Blauen Templer»
(The Blue Templar) mit Michael T. Weiss als Det. Sonny Malevsky gibt es
wieder nur im Bezahlsender FOX zu sehen.
Über die Gründe der Absetzung von Blue Bloods bei Kabel1: "...Offenbar will der Münchner Sender mit «Castle» nun gleich drei Stunden füllen. Das bedeutet somit auch das Aus für «Blue Bloods» - die Serie war vergangenen Freitag auf wirklich nicht mehr tragbare 1,6 Prozent Marktanteil in der Zielgruppe gerutscht. Sie verschwindet genauso wie auch «Southland»..." Source: Quotenmeter.de
12-3-2013: MTWs 3. + 4. Episode in "Blue Bloods - Crime Scene New York" |
Wenn alles gut
läuft, werden am Freitag, 20. Dezember
2013 die Episoden 21/I Das
Blut meiner Eltern
(Cellar Boy) um 22:15 Uhr und 22/I Die Blauen Templer
(The Blue Templar) um 23:15 Uhr auf Kabel 1 ausgestrahlt, zum
nochmals mit Michael T. Weiss.
Wdh. in der Nacht auf Samstag, 21.12. um 2:05 Uhr, bzw. um 2:55 Uhr. Die 2. Staffel startet voraussichtlich am 27. Dezember. |
11-23-2013: Ep 13/I 48 Stunden von "Blue Bloods - Crime Scene New York" |
Kabel 1-Quoten für
"Blue Bloods" - Ep. 13/I "48 Stunden":
am 22.11.13 um 22:15 Uhr: Zuschauer ab 3 Jahre: 0,80 Mio = 3,1% Marktanteil, Zuschauer in der werberelevanten Altersgruppe 14-59 Jahre: 0,40 Mio = 3,9% MA Wdh. am 23.11.13 um 2:00 Uhr: ab 3 Jahre: 0,52 Mio = 3,0% MA, 14-59 Jahre: 0,24 Mio = 3,2% MA Quelle: AGF/GfK/DAP TV Scope |
11-21-2013: More about "The Pornographer's Daughter" |
Liberty Bradford Mitchell
tweeted on Nov 20: "Met with Chuck Sperry, the rock star
artist creating a
poster for ThePD!" #ChuckSperry #ThePornographersDaughter
Source: Twitter@libertythePD So it seems she got the fundings together for her one-woman-piece "The Pornographer's Daughter", to be directed by Michael T. Weiss, in Jan-Feb 2014 in San Francisco's Z Space Below. |
11-16-2013: "Blue Bloods" returns to German free TV |
"Blue Bloods -
Crime Scene New York" kehrt ins deutsche freiempfangbare
Fernsehen zurück!
In den Hauptrollen Tom Selleck als Frank Reagan, Donnie Wahlberg als Danny Reagan, Will Estes als Jamie Reagan, Len Cariou als Henry Reagan, Bridget Moynahan als Erin Reagan-Boyle und Jennifer Esposito als Jackie Curatola. Michael T. Weiss als Det. Sonny Malevsky ist in den Folgen 11 Große Fische, kleine Fische (Little Fish), 13 48 Stunden (Hall of Mirrors), 21 Das Blut meiner Eltern (Cellar Boy) und 22 Die Blauen Templer (The Blue Templar) der 1. Staffel von Blue Bloods zu sehen. Nach Ausstrahlung der 12. Folge hatte Kabel 1 aber im September 2012, vermutlich wegen zu niedriger Einschaltquoten, die Serie abgesetzt. Am Freitag, 22. November setzt Kabel 1 die Ausstrahlung fort, mit den beiden Folgen #13 "48 Stunden" (Hall of Mirrors) um 22:15 Uhr, gefolgt von #14 "Der Club der einsamen Herzen" (My Funny Valentine) um 23:10 Uhr. Die beiden Episoden "48 Stunden" (MIT Michael T. Weiss) und "Der Club der einsamen Herzen" (ohne ihn) werden in der Nacht vom 22. auf den 23.11. auch wiederholt: 2:00-2:49 Uhr und 2:50-3:35 Uhr. Ausserdem läuft die Serie nach wie vor auf dem Bezahlsender FOX, mit mehreren Episoden täglich. #1/13 - "48 Stunden" (Hall of Mirrors): Im Central Park wird der gebürtige Pakistaner Sammy Khan angeschossen. Er war für die New Yorker Polizei im Undercover-Einsatz und ermittelte im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus. Frank und sein Team müssen nun dringend herausfinden, welchen Hintergrund die Tat hatte - möglicherweise ist ein weiterer Undercover-Cop in Gefahr, den Sammy in eine Schläferzelle geschleust hatte. Danny hat 48 Stunden Zeit den Fall aufzuklären. Seiner Partnerin Jackie darf er dabei keine Details nennen. Drehbuch: Thomas Kelly ; Regie: Frederick K. Keller (20 Folgen von "The Pretender" und beide Filme) Text: Kabel eins Michael T. Weiss' second episode "Hall of Mirrors"/"48 Stunden" will screen on Kabel 1 on Friday, Nov 22 at 10:15pm, followed by "My Funny Valentine"/"Der Club der einsamen Herzen" at 11:10pm. Original airdates: 02.02.2011, resp. 09.02.2011 (CBS) |
11-6-2013: VIP Fundraiser to support "The Pornographer's Daughter" |
VIP Fundraiser to support
"The Pornographer's Daughter" production in San Francisco:
When: Mon, Nov 11, 2013, 7:00 - 9:30PM Where: Lightrail Studios, 672 Toland Place, San Francisco, USA Hosted by Liberty Bradford Mitchell Playwright and actor Liberty Bradford Mitchell will perform this exclusive sneak-peek staged reading, complete with video elements and live rock music provided by the show's house band, The Fluffers. Directed by Michael T. Weiss. Limited to 100 guests. Those interested in becoming investing producers, please inquire within. For more information and how to get involved, see here: http://www.eventbee.com/event?eid=147405822 |
11-5-2013: From 'Z Space' about the upcoming "The Pornographer's Daughter" |
Approximately 20 weeks out
of the year, "Z Space" rents out their theatre so that the best artists
in theatre, music, dance, film, literature and other genres have a
premier venue to bring their work to the public.
The Pornographer's Daughter Jan 17 - Feb 16, 2014 Artie and Jim Mitchell comprised one of San Francisco’s most infamous duos, the Mitchell Brothers, pioneers in the pornography industry. Liberty Bradford Mitchell, daughter of Artie, tells the story of growing up on the fringes of an X-rated world in the World Premiere of The Pornographer's Daughter, directed by Michael T. Weiss, with musical direction by Kevin Harding, and produced by San Francisco-based producer and designer Jeff Rowlings. Notorious for entertaining a stream of celebrities, politicians, and artists at their XXX movie theatre and strip club, The Mitchell Brothers O’Farrell Theatre, Artie and Jim capitalized on the "free love" movement of the 1970s. Their "Behind the Green Door," one of the first feature-length porn films ever made, earned a standing ovation at the Cannes Film Festival and sparked a new wave of adult entertainment. The party ended in February 1991 when Jim shot and killed Artie. In The Pornographer's Daughter, Artie's eldest child Liberty Bradford Mitchell recounts this unique slice of San Francisco history with a first-hand perspective, from her counter-culture beginnings, growing up and coming of age in the wings of the porn industry, through surviving the surreal aftermath of her father’s murder. Joining Bradford Mitchell on stage will be San Francisco rock band The Fluffers, providing a driving soundtrack of music from the '60s to the '80s and beyond. ***Not advised for persons under the age of 18*** Source: Z Space - Guest Shows
Closer to the premiere, the site will certainly be updated with more information, photos, videos and press (articles & reviews). |
10-30-2013: Michael T. Weiss will direct a new play |
In January/February 2014
Michael T. Weiss will direct the world premiere of "The
Daughter", a one-woman-play with music, to be staged in San
"Z Space Below".
Artie and Jim Mitchell comprised one of San Francisco's most infamous duos, the Mitchell Brothers, pioneers in the pornography industry. Notorious for entertaining a stream of celebrities, politicians, and artists at their XXX movie theatre and strip club, The Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell Theatre, Artie and Jim capitalized on the "free love" movement of the 1970s. Their "Behind the Green Door," one of the first feature-length porn films ever made, earned a standing ovation at the Cannes Film Festival and sparked a new wave of adult entertainment. The party ended in February 1991 when Jim shot and killed Artie. Liberty Bradford Mitchell, daughter of Artie, tells the story of growing up on the fringes of an X-rated world in the World Premiere of "The Pornographer's Daughter". Joining her on stage will be San Francisco rock band The Fluffers. The play is produced by San Francisco-based producer and designer Jeff Rowlings, with musical direction by Kevin Harding. It will run from Jan 17 - Feb 16, 2014. Previews will be on Jan 17, 8:00pm; Jan 18, 8:00pm + 10:30pm; Jan 19, 5:00pm. Opening night is on Jan 22. Tickets for "The Pornographer's Daughter" (**Not advised for persons under the age of 18**) are apparently already on sale @ OvationTix. Tickets are $32 (general admission). Performance location: Z Below, 470 Florida Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 Sources: Broadway World, Oct 14, 2013 and Broadway World, Oct 29, 2013
10-23-2013: Michael T. Weiss has a new management! |
If you want to write to
Michael T. Weiss, be informed that he now has a new management, that
also takes care of his fan mail. So from now on, all mail should be
sent to:
Michael T. Weiss c/o Pop Art Management PO Box 55363 Sherman Oaks, CA 91413 USA |
9-20-2013: Excerpts from yesterdays chat with The Pretender Creators |
The connection of
yesterdays video chat with The Pretender Creators was a bit wobbly and
the sound was mushy, but Christian Jaeschke has kindly written
down the 3 big news:
"Three official announcements from the creators/writers of the cult TV series The Pretender - Steven Long Mitchell and Craig W Van Sickle: 1st announcement - The immediate launch of the new official website. Check it out @ www.thepretenderlives.com 2nd announcement - The first series of graphic novels (6 issues, each containing 22 comic pages + other materials) will be entitled: "The Pretender: The Centre Chronicles". These GNs will concern the origins of The Centre. 3rd announcement - The first novel "The Pretender: Rebirth" will be available on October 7th, 2013. The second novel will be entitled "Saving Luke" and be available by Christmas 2013/early January 2014." A recap of the Pretender live video chat Transcript of this live announcement with Jenna Bush, SLM and CVS from Sept 19th 2013. With thanks to M, J and E for the editing work! |
9-19-2013: 17th Anniversary of The Pretender and its future |
17 years to the day - it
was on Sept 19, 1996 that the Pilot episode of The Pretender aired on
NBC: "Jarod is the new doctor at a NYC hospital, trying to expose
negligence and a cover-up that led to a young boy being paralyzed."
Director: Rick Wallace. Writers: Steven Long Mitchell & Craig
W. Van Sickle
To commemorate this anniversary, 'The Pretender Creators' have chosen today to announce the news about Rebirth: On Thursday, September 19th at 1pm PST (9pm London, 10pm France/Germany, 6am Friday morning Aussie time) - we will be holding a live streaming interview with Jenna Busch to announce something we have been waiting to say for YEARS. The invitation to the live announcement is: https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/cjor9u342l84k4ama2ee9ln6rck You have to sign up for a g-mail account - but please do it for us - we will be doing many more live announcements and chats in the future and want to be able to interact face to face with the fans and take and answer your questions live! Can't wait to share the news and talk all about it! During and after the live announcement there will be a chat room set up so that anyone can ask us a question about what we are saying. The chat room will be in SL-15. If you have forgotten how to descend to this special communications sub-level we will post directions of exactly how to get down there - on our Facebook page 5 minutes before the 1pm (PST) announcement. See you there. Steve and Craig |
9-18-2013: Cover of German The Pretender DVD Box |
The 1st season of The
Pretender + the pilot episode will finally be released on DVD in
Germany on Nov 29, 2013.
Die KSM GmbH veröffentlicht am 29. November 2013 die erste Staffel und die Pilotfolge von The Pretender in einer Box mit 6 DVDs. Die mit FSK 12 freigegebene Box wird eine Laufzeit von 990 Minuten haben und die in Dolby Digital 2.0 vorliegenden Sprachversionen Deutsch und Englisch enthalten. Neben Michael T. Weiss werden auch Patrick Bauchau, Andrea Parker, Jamie Denton und Paul Dillon zu sehen sein. Jetzt wurde auch das Cover veröffentlicht. Source: DVD-Forum.at
Die Box ist jetzt vorbestellbar und inzwischen wurde der Preis dafür auf EUR 51,41 gesenkt. |
8-25-2013: The Pretender DVD release in Germany |
The 1st season of The
Pretender + the pilot episode will finally be released on DVD in
Germany on Nov 29, 2013.
Pretender (Staffel 1 + Pilotfolge) (6 Disc Set) - Endlich auch in Deutschland auf DVD angekündigt: Darsteller: Michael T. Weiss, Patrick Bauchau, Andrea Parker, Jamie Denton, Paul Dillon. Frederick King Keller (Regisseur), James Whitmore Jr. (Regisseur) Freigegeben ab 12 Jahren. Spieldauer: 990 Minuten Preis: EUR 59,99. KSM Film Dieser Artikel wird am 29. November 2013 erscheinen. Source: amazon.de
Noch sind weder Bonusmaterial oder Sprachfassungen bekannt, und bis November wird der Preis hoffentlich auch niedriger werden! |
8-22-2013: Rebirth Book Cover Poll |
The Fans Decide: Please go
to http://www.pretendercentre.com/rebirthcover
and help us choose the cover of the first Pretender novel - Rebirth.
While there, be sure to click the red line below the thumbnails of the five designs to get an up close look at each individual book cover candidate. Then vote for your favorite. Voting closes Sunday after it is past Midnight in the whole Centre Universe! For over a decade all of you have kept The Pretender alive in your hearts - today you get to shout out and help us choose its new look. If it weren't for the passion and loyalty of the global Pretender fan base, today would have never come. Thank You! Steven Long Mitchell & Craig W Van Sickle Also, the offical Pretender site The Pretender Lives is coming soon. |
8-2-2013: Aktion Lieblingsstar |
Macht mit bei der
Sommer-Aktion "Lieblingsstar" von moviepilot:
Ihr könnt eure Liebe zu Schauspielern, Regisseuren, Kameraleuten, Komponisten, sprich all jenen, deren Namen bereits in einem Vor- bzw. Abspann eines Films oder einer Serie zu lesen waren, zum Ausdruck bringen. Eure Texte können vieles sein: poetisch, analytisch, emotional, witzig, am besten alles auf einmal. Ein Gedicht, ein Erlebnisbericht, ein Liebesbrief oder eine Verbeugung vor dem Gesamtwerk eines Filmschaffenden - alles ist möglich. Eines müssen sie aber auf alle Fälle sein: ganz persönlich. Schickt euren Text zu eurem Lieblingsstar an ines[at]moviepilot.com mit Angabe eures moviepilot-User-Namens. Einsendeschluss ist der 24. August 2013. Ach ja, Preise gibt es natürlich auch zu gewinnen! Alle weiteren Informationen, Regeln und Preise hier: "Aktion Lieblingsstar" => Vorschlag: Michael T. Weiss ... |
7-25-2013: Some questions about the future The Pretender answered |
The Pretender creators
Steven Long Mitchell and Craig W. Van Sickle again answered questions
sent in by fans.
Read those questions and answers at FanVoice and declare your love for The Pretender in the comments. The most important question first: Will the actors from the original series return? Steven Long Mitchell: We couldn't imagine The Pretender without the family of actors who made it what it was. So in the future we would definitely want them to return - but this being The Pretender the question is exactly how they will. We promise it will blow you mind. |
7-20-2013: 'The Rebirth of The Pretender' |
The basics about the
so-called "Rebirth of The Pretender", in case you haven't followed the
announcement yesterday:
Congratulations to its creators, Steven Long Mitchell and Craig W. Van Sickle, because they have finally regained the rights to their work, words and characters. First they will publish a series of novels, followed or accompanied by a string of graphic novels, and if those sell well [quote from their mailing list]: "Third, be it cable/broadcast TV, a Netflix model series and/or a series of Pretender feature films - tP will then be taken to a whole new level with familiar faces and new characters as well." [end of quote] Here is the video interview from Jenna Bush talking with Steve and Craig about how The Pretender will return, and how the fans can get a sneak peek at what's coming: FanVoice |
7-18-2013: Where to get the news about 'The Rebirth of The Pretender' |
The "Big Announcement"
about the so-called 'Rebirth of The Pretender' will be made live on
Friday, July 19 starting at 2pm PDT on http://voice.fan.tv
(apparently during the current ComicCon
in San Diego, CA), and in written form on Twitter at http://twitter.com/PretenderFans,
starting at the same time and also via the Creators mailing list.
2pm PDT Fri 7/19 converts to 5pm EDT, also in Brazil/West ; 4pm in Mexico ; 6pm in Brazil/East ; 9pm ZULU ; 10pm in Portugal, Ireland and UK ; 11pm in most of Continental Europe like France, Italy or Germany To Sat 7/20 ..am in Australia and New Zealand (for time check you own time zone) ; 6am in Japan For other regions and countries, please visit the World Time Server |
7-16-2013: Jarod is still out there - somewhere |
![]() Today 'The Pretender Creators' have posted this note from Jarod to Miss Parker about the above "Wanted"-Poster on their facebook page: Miss Parker, A Wanted Poster? Seriously? That's the best the Centre can do? This is what you'll be blasting out around the globe and handing out in San Diego? Unless you have something hidden on it I'm too blind to see, it seems very ‘last century’ to me. And what's with the artist sketches? LOL! I almost coughed up my rocky road when I saw them. What am I on Planet Henderson? The game we're playing isn't suited for graphic novels. Is it? I mean, I like them occasionally but -- I have so much more to say, don't you? And why didn't you use a photograph? Even though you guys made me design the PRISM system for your buddies in DC - it's not like I could've hidden a worm inside that would block all face rec of me from every CCTV and other surveillance system in the world. Could I? Either way Miss P, you may not be able to see me - but I can see you. And just so you know, I'll be watching your CI team at CCSD. I'll know exactly where your secrets are hidden inside. I wonder if they or anyone else will be able to find the ones I'll be scattering around. Just like me they'll be hidden in plain sight, but those with insight will be able to see them clearly. Good luck with the poster - you'll need it. Jarod Source: The
Pretender Creators
7-12-2013: Jarod is out there - somewhere |
'The Pretender Creators'
have posted the
following notes on their facebook page:
TO: Sydney FROM: Miss Parker RE: TAKE A WILD GUESS? Dr. Frankenstein, Your monster struck again. ![]() A sweeper team found this last night on a wall in Harlem - and this time he left behind his new version of his little red notebook. I've lost count of how many have shown up around the planet, but rumor has it one was also found in Lisbon this morning. So tell me Doc, what's up with the Lazy 8 and “Jarod was here” bullshit? Your little monster having some kind of identity crisis? MP TO: Miss Parker FROM: Sydney RE: Jarod Miss Parker, Jarod is not a monster. He's a Pretender, a genius who can literally become anyone he wants to be. And what is on the wall is not a ‘Lazy 8’ - it's the symbol for infinity. Using it and expressing that he was there is NOT Jarod having an identity crisis. It appears he is announcing to the world he is out and out to stay - until the end of time. I warn you not to toy with him, Miss Parker. If these signs start appearing all over the globe, you're going to have much more trouble on your hands than you ever imagined. S Source: The
Pretender Creators
7-10-2013: Transcript of the video talk at FanVoice.TV |
Transcript of the video
interview (see post below) by Jenna Busch at FanVoice.TV from July 8,
who asked 'The
Pretender Creators', Steven Long Mitchell and Craig Van Sickle
questions sent in by fans of The Pretender.
Read here: The PretenderCentre::Sim Forum Interview conducted by Jenna Busch. Transcript by Tintin (Christian). |
7-9-2013: Another update on The Pretender |
The videos of the interview
by Jenna Busch with Craig W. Van Sickle and Steven Long Mitchell, who
answer questions sent in by fans of The Pretender:
Interview part 1 Interview part 2 - With the question from "Ask Dr. Mike" about the secret behind Mr Lyle and his thumb ... Interview part 3 Interview part 4 Quotes from that segment: JB: I am dying to know when you guys are going to make this big announcement [about the future of tP]. CVS: It's going to be July 19th. JB: ComicCon? CVS: ComicCon. SLM: ComicCon. Now, we may not be at ComicCon, and Jarod might not be at ComicCon, but some people who are looking for Jarod will be at ComicCon. They'll be looking all over ComicCon for Jarod. Infact, there's some little clues we've heard that Jarod may have left around ComicCon... little bread crumbs for people to follow, and the first 20 people who find those bread crumbs, are going to get an advanced sneak peek at exactly what we're doing. Source: FanVoice
Update from Steve & Craig, following their interview: "The Pretender fans have always been loyal to us and we remain loyal to you. On July 19, 2013 at 2 p.m. PDT, we will officially announce to fans worldwide, details of the first exciting way The Pretender will be reborn." Source: The Pretender Creators
7-8-2013: Update on The Pretender |
A couple minutes ago, Jenna
Busch (Host and Entertainment Editor for Voice.Fanhattan.com and
co-host of Cocktails with Stan Lee) tweeted:
Guys! My interview with Steven Long Mitchell and Craig W. Van Sickle goes LIVE at noon PST on http://Voice.Fan.TV/ ! Part one of this interview ; Part two (with the question from "Ask Dr. Mike" about Mr Lyle and his thumb) ; Part three ; Part four (with "the big announcement about the future of tP") Earlier today, The Pretender Creators have posted the following note from 'Jarod' on their facebook page: Miss Parker, Intercepting the memo to your Sweeper Teams was easier than turning knobs on an Etch-A-Sketch. Seriously? Rumor is that you're so desperate now you're even recruiting outside Centre personnel to track clues of me at Comic-Con San Diego? That's all you got? Bet you still don't even know how I escaped from the Centre - or that it wasn't my first time. But you'll get that story soon. ‘I run and you chase’ you once told me. Well, if you can't make this game more sporting - I will. I'm going to leave my own clues around at CCSD - really big clues for you - and whomever else find them. Where the sweet ones usually are - they'll find a link to a special story no one knows - even you. And by the way - ice cream is still good. J |
7-5-2013: Andrea P & Michael T |
According to these tweets
from Craig W. Van Sickle and Steven Long Mitchell from July 4th, it
looks like Andrea Parker and Michael T. Weiss will be involved in the
future of The Pretender.
CWVS: "Was great catching up with my friends the other night, Andrea P and Michael T", to which SLM replied 5 hours later: "Why do I feel like a jilted lover?" and added a few days later: "I wasn't there." Source: Twitter
But what about James (Jamie) Denton? Has someone heard anything about Mr. Lyle? |
7-4-2013: More news about a possible future of The Pretender |
Today Steven Long Mitchell
Craig W. Van Sickle aka 'The Pretender Creators' have posted the
following note on their facebook page:
URGENT: FOR CENTRE EYES ONLY TO: ALL SWEEPER TEAMS FROM: MISS PARKER RE: THE PRETENDER Our man in the Russian Airport has alerted us that the search for tP will heat up at San Diego Comicon. Will need all Pretender personnel in the area on full search alert. Don't 'F this up! MP The above mentioned Comic-Con 2013 will take place from 18. - 21. July at the San Diego Convention Center. More. Jenna Busch tweeted on July 2: The Pretender fans! Check out Fanhattan on Monday for my interview with the awesome Steven Long Mitchell and Craig W. Van Sickle. Suppose this is the website: http://voice.fan.tv/ You can still send her questions for Steve and Craig. Either to https://www.facebook.com/jennabuschpublicpage or to https://twitter.com/JennaBusch |
6-27-2013: Andrea Parker talks Michael T. Weiss |
Andrea Parker posted that
she had recently spoken with Michael T. Weiss, perhaps also about The
Pretender, but "he doesn't know any more than I do: nothing!
He did tell me to send U all his love."
6-24-2013: News about a possible future of The Pretender |
Steven Long Mitchell and
Craig W. Van Sickle are both on Twitter for some time, but only
recently their accounts have began bubbling with tweets about The
Pretender and its actors:
https://twitter.com/PretenderSteve https://twitter.com/CraigVanSickle1 Also, apparently they now have an official facebook site: https://www.facebook.com/PretenderCreators Steven Long Mitchell & Craig W. Van Sickle - The Creators of all things Pretender, the TV series, the continuing stories and all that is to come next. The Pretender Lives. An official website is also already announced. Steven writes: The Pretender is returning - and soon. Jarod will be coming, chased by Miss Parker in a brand new way, very soon! It will be something you can sink your teeth into and wrap your mind around. Make sure we stay true to what you love - and tell us the questions you most want answered @ thepretendercreators[at]yahoo.com We reply personally to each email. |
6-5-2013: Perhaps another Pretender Convention in 2015? |
From 'Paris Star Events' on
June 4:
- then, the survey spoke, most of you will be delighted to learn that The Pretender/Le Pretender/Le Caméléon arrived in head. We shall organize an convention of this show which misses to all of us, save the date in your calendar at the beginning of 2015, the Centre wants him alive! Source: Paris Star Events
5-27-2013: New interview with Steven Long Mitchell and Craig W. Van Sickle |
The creators of "The
Pretender", Steven Long Mitchell and Craig W. Van Sickle
gave the fan site "The Pretender on facebook" an interview, which those
published on May 25, 2013, and here is the bit about the possible
future of the show:
Q: In an interview in 2007**, you said you'd probably continue The Pretender in digital format through Strange Highway Entertainment. Is this still a project of yours? SLM: We are committed to continuing The Pretender experience for the fans and while it may not be digitally, The Pretender lives. CWV: In fact, for the first time in probably ten years we can say without hesitation that The Pretender will emerge in a whole new way -- and soon. For the full interview visit: The Pretender on facebook ** This is one of the interviews with Steven and Craig from 2007, the interview above refers to, from Slice of SciFi, although it is mostly about their then upcoming mini-series Tin Man. The part about The Pretender is towards the end. And this is from the other interview with SciFi Wire, published in December 2007: Pretender To Pretend Again? Steven Long Mitchell and Craig Van Sickle, who created the 1990s NBC SF series The Pretender, told SCI FI Wire that they want to resurrect the show in a new digital medium. "We created the show The Pretender, and we're working on bringing that back in a whole new form, in a digital form and in a digital platform," Mitchell said in an interview while promoting his SCI FI Channel miniseries Tin Man, which he and Van Sickle co-wrote and co-executive-produced. Van Sickle hinted that the new Pretender could also feature original star Michael T. Weiss, who played Jarod, a man whose ability to assume other people's identities allowed him to assist those in need. The Pretender aired from 1996-2000 and also spawned two 2001 telemovies. "We had breakfast with Michael today," Van Sickle said last week. "He just finished up a play [Scarcity] out here in New York. I guess kind of the best thing we can say is that we have a timetable of within, hopefully, the next five or six months that we can have something really unique and different out there." Van Sickle added: "We'll be certainly reeling things out along that same time period, but there will be things that the fans can tap into and kind of see our progress on that front and other things in the digital world." - Ian Spelling |
4-23-2013: Einschaltquoten von "Burn Notice - Einer gegen alle" auf VOX am 22.4.2013, 22:15 Uhr |
Burn Notice - Einer gegen alle
Zuschauer ab 3 Jahre : 1,38 Mio = 6,5% Marktanteil Werberelevante Zuschauergruppe 14-59 Jahre : 1,13 Mio = 8,9% Marktanteil Quelle: AGF/GfK/DAP TV Scope Clip from the original version "Army of One", courtesy of USA Network, featuring Michael T. Weiss as Holcomb: |
4-22-2013: It is Earth Day (Tag der Erde) today! |
This year Earth Day / Tag
der Erde takes place for the 43th time. Earth Day 2013 is themed 'The
Face of Climate Change'.
Google uses a special doodle today to commemorate it, which shows the earth as a disc, and if you click on play, all seasons will appear. Read more: Earth Day 2013 |
4-19-2013: Burn Notice - Episode "Einer gegen alle" im deutschen Fernsehen am 22.4.2013 |
Michael T. Weiss guest
starred as Agent Holcomb in the episode "Army of One"
in the 5th
season of "Burn Notice", starring Jeffrey Donovan
(who played Jarods's
younger brother Kyle in three episodes
of "The Pretender") as Michael Westen. This episode premiered on USA
Network on August 25,
It will now air on German network VOX on Monday April 22, 2013 at 10:15pm. Burn Notice - Einer gegen alle (Army Of One) - Staffel 5, Folge 10 (Ep. 73) Am Montag, 22.04.2013 um 22:15 Uhr auf VOX Mit Michael T. Weiss als Agent Holcomb und Patrick Bauchau als Lucien Balan Der Bombenbastler Lucien Balan, Michaels und Sams einzige Verbindung zu Max' Mörder, ist tot. Doch kurz bevor er starb, konnte er Michael noch den Hinweis auf ein Lagerhaus geben, wo sich der Gesuchte aufhalten soll. Dort angekommen steht dies jedoch bereits in Flammen und Max' Mörder flüchtet. Zwar entwischt er, doch Michael gelingt es immerhin, einen kurzen Blick auf sein Gesicht zu erhaschen. Zurück bleibt den Freunden nur ein verkohlter Computer und von dem gilt es jetzt wichtige Daten zu sichern, um die Identität von Max' Mörder aufdecken zu können. Und das muss schnell gehen, denn Michaels CIA-Kontakt, Agentin Pearce, ist ihnen dicht auf den Fersen und kurz davor, Michael als Täter festzunehmen. Fiona und Sam kümmern sich um den Computer und fahren zu Sams ehemaligen Freund und Computergenie Dixon, der seit einem Vorfall jedoch nicht mehr gut auf Sam zu sprechen ist. Daher verweigert er auch seine Hilfe, hat seine Rechnung da allerdings ohne Fiona gemacht. Michael hilft Jesse derweil bei einem Firmenschutzauftrag von Unternehmer Richard Gronbach: Gewiefte Industriespione haben es auf sein Firmengeheimnis abgesehen und wollen am örtlichen Flughafen, den Gronbrach häufig anfliegt, die Computer hacken. Während Michael sich als Profi-Hacker ausgibt, soll Madeleine Beweisfotos schießen. Allerdings müssen Mutter und Sohn schnell feststellen, dass es die scheinbar ungefährlichen Wirtschaftskriminellen nicht auf die Daten, sondern auf Gronbach selbst abgesehen haben, der in einer knappen Stunde am Flughafen erwartet wird. Damit nicht genug, nehmen die Gangster das Flughafenpersonal, Passagiere und Madeline als Geiseln ... Wdh.: Di 23.04.2013, 01:50-02:35 Uhr, VOX Szenenphotos |
3-29-2011: Happy Easter Days! | ||
3-21-2013: Young Justice - episode Endgame |
Michael T. Weiss has again
voiced Captain Atom / Nathaniel Adams in the episode "Endgame" (season
2, ep.
20 = ep. 46) of the animated children's series "Young Justice -
Invasion", which aired on the Cartoon Network on 16 March 2013.
Review of "Endgame" |
2-23-2013: On a personal note |
Your humble webmiss will be
off on vacation, and therefore be offline. It will be taken care of
both this website and its facebook page, but during that time will you
please be so kind to post news about Michael T. Weiss' activities over
@ http://www.facebook.com/AskDr.Mike
- IF there are activities .... To read them you have to check for 'Recent
posts from other users' there. I'll leave this weekend and
should be back mid-March. In the
meantime, take care - EFi
Yes, I know about the recent troubles with Photobucket. They have again changed their design and rules, which makes it almost impossible to search for albums and sub-albums. But presently I didn't had time to find out how to make it usable again. |
2-19-2013: Young Justice - episodes War and Complications |
Mike has again voiced
Captain Atom / Nathaniel Adams in the episodes "War" (season
2, ep. 15 = ep. 41), which aired on 9 Feb. 2013 and "Complications"
(season 2,
ep. 16 = ep. 42), which aired on 16 Feb. 2013 of the animated
TV series "Young Justice - Invasion" on the Cartoon Network.
Review of "War", and about 3:10min into the attached clip you can hear Mike's gorgeous voice. Review of "Complications", and right at the beginning of the attached clip it also sounds like Mike's voice. |
2-2-2013: Happy Birthday, Michael! | |
Happy Birthday dear
I wish you all the best, and lots of love and happiness.
EFi on behalf of "Ask Dr. Mike"
1-28-2013: Young Justice - episodes Cornered and True Colors |
Mike has apparently voiced
Captain Atom / Nathaniel Adams again in the episodes "Cornered" (season
2, ep. 11), which aired on 12 Jan. 2013 and "True Colors" (season 2,
ep. 12), which aired on 19 Jan. 2013 of the animated children's
TV series "Young Justice - Invasion".
Review of "Cornered" Review of "True Colors" Lacey Chabert, Tim Curry, Miguel Ferrer and Chad Lowe also provided voices. More about the series here. |
1-13-2013: Birthday reminder |
For a record breaking
period of 6 years, Mike is still with the same management, which still
handles his fan mail. So if you
want to send him your best wishes (or something else) for his birthday
on 02/02, this is still
the address for it:
Michael T. Weiss c/o Robert Stein Management 1180 S Beverly Drive, Suite 304 Los Angeles, CA 90035 USA |