"Ask Dr. Mike" site was
at first created in 2000, because I had a bunch of rare and fun photos
of Michael T. Weiss from his days at "Days Of Our Lives", that I wanted
to share with other fans. What sense does it make if they catch dust in
my closets? And in case, you haven't noticed, I'm a fan of this gorgeous
actor and handsome man.
In 2002 the "News & Rumors" page was added to make the site more
interesting. Also, I could convince Isis to try out design ideas that
she didn't wanted to use for *serious* websites.
In 2009 the design was revised by rg and me, and the site was moved
to its own domain.
In March 2011 "Ask Dr. Mike" joined Facebook.
This is a private fansite and NOT affiliated with Michael T. Weiss,
his family, his management, etc. This site is for entertainment
purposes only, absolutely no money whatsoever is being made.
The only way to contact Michael T. Weiss is through his management,
and certainly not through this fansite.
The site owner accepts no responsibility for the design or any
content relating to this site that is or might be found on external
websites belonging to other people or organizations, nor for any links
to this site.
Links to external websites are checked for consistency at the time of
posting, but not thereafter, unless upon request.
This website does not actively collect personal data from its
visitors, but most of the external websites and videos linked here
probably do. However, the server hosting this website stores the
logfiles for a certain amount of time (between 7 days and 8 weeks).
More information here.
EFi, webmiss